Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lake Powell Trip with the Birds July 2008

Some of my Senior pictures 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Im finally GRADUATED!!! May 28th 2008

I finally made it to this point in my life. I cant wait to start cosmetology school in September, and I'm ready to get on with my life! I had an awesome time in high school and I'm going to miss cheering at all the games and the competitions. But im excited to see whats ahead!!

Me and my Best friend Amanda

Me and the girlies Lucky 7

Is'nt Dyl a Q.T. thanks for the support Dyl

Me and my man Brantley

Me and my great fam

OH silly Dex, what a great cousin

I have quite the support from my family!! thanks fam

We're proud of our accomplishment haha (me and Dex)

Lunch at Los Hermanos with everyone and my daddy

Me and my mom after the big day